Supporting our community’s transition to sustainable energy
Our mission – to encourage our community to move towards sustainable, renewable energy use
Climate change is an issue for us all.
Contact Us
Mission Green
315 Riverview Dr.
Decorah, Iowa 52101
Jim and Liz Fritz
that drive Mission Green, LLC
Climate change is real and an existential threat to humanity
Burning of fossil fuels exacerbates climate change
All technologies needed to replace fossil fuels already exist and are proven
83% of furnace replacements are done on an emergency basis
30+ year old furnaces don’t have another 10 years of effective or efficient life left
Replacing gas furnaces with gas commits one to 30 more years of burning fossil fuels
The cost of natural gas is rising rapidly and is volatile
Energy self-sufficiency allows financial resources to be directed elsewhere
Being proactive is more cost-effective than being reactive
It is wisest to think globally but act locally
Have a question for us? Contact us through this form.